Message From President
We were a bunch of so-called the intelligent group of the college who brought this idea of setting up a club. Our college was always considered strict in these things (now it isn`t). So the students never dared of it. Therefore it was us who went up to the door, banged it, and broke the ancient values. Our proposal was fairly accepted; we were totally wrong about the thoughts we had about college. We got to know that our college had been expecting such a proposal, but it was the lazy students who never put forth that idea. Being true I must say, they`ve missed a lot.
It was never that easy. We didn`t have much time as we were in our senior year. Despite the fact that we had not much time, we decided to conduct a national level visual quiz program. On the one hand, we had to manage club, bring new members, make it inclusive, establish a fund, and share the posts. On the other hand, all the preparations for quiz were left. In a club, everyone wants high ranked post. It doesn`t matter how irresponsible and worthless one may be, s/he always wants the higher post. At this stage, you turn out a lot of allies because you can`t give them all. It was pretty tough task to choose future foes as the process was entirely selective. The committee we decided to form was expectedly criticized by the unselected ones, so we had to make few reforms in it. And then finally we hold meeting of all the members along with the in-charge Daya Ram Sir. So there we were- the final 19 of us. Our first meeting focused on the instant goal of successfully accomplishing the quiz program, division of workload and so on.
Today as I see the club, I feel proud. The feeling I get is like- when the son you gave birth to, grows up and does some wonderful deeds. I was so delighted to know about the programs that the club had organized all over the year. I must admit the younger generations did it much better than we expected. However, setting up the foundation does matter a lot. Rome was not built in a day, but the ideology of our club was. One day, I was sitting idly in my hostel room with few friends (I committed a crime there- not allowed to gather in a hostel room!) and we discussed for the minimum participation of our college in ECAs, and thought about the solution we could offer. Student Club was our idea. That day, we sat for hours. Dreamed about its objectives, the programs we could conduct and tried to give a name to it (but we couldn`t name that day). We had also made a beautiful division of designations and then I wrote them with my own natural handwriting to the wall of my hostel room (another treacherous act). It was all crazy, stupid but it also turned out to be revolutionary at the same time.
The most important part of a college club is giving continuity to it. What we did, our juniors must know how we did, so they could teach their junior to do the same, at much up-dated and revised version. Another part of running a club is maintaining equity and harmony. Working in a group sounds interesting, but someone always gets biased and remains unsatisfied with the group. This is undoubtedly true. Well, I think that`s the most significant thing you learn at these clubs- how to take everyone together with unbiased opportunities; and that`s exactly how a real leader would be. Our motto was not only to enroll college fellows in ECAs; we also wanted to develop our leadership skills, our communication skills. Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another. Here we have tried to influence a society of learners.
I think we`re on the right track. Thanks to everyone who supported us.